Amana Microwave Oven RC17 User Manual

Microwave Oven  
Owner's Manual  
* Additional alphanumeric characters representing other  
models in the series may follow each model number.  
Keep these instructions for future reference. If the  
oven changes ownership, be sure this manual  
accompanies oven.  
Recognize this symbol as a SAFETY message  
When using electrical equipment, basic safety precautions should be followed to reduce the risk of burns, electrical  
shock, fire, or injury to persons.  
1. READ all instructions before using equipment.  
8. DO NOT operate this equipment if it has a damaged  
cord or plug, if it is not working properly, or if it has  
been damaged or dropped.  
MICROWAVE ENERGY” on page 4.  
9. This equipment, including power cord, must be  
serviced ONLY by qualified service personnel.  
Special tools are required to service equipment.  
Contact nearest authorized service facility for  
examination, repair, or adjustment.  
3. This equipment MUST BE GROUNDED. Connect  
only to properly GROUNDED outlet. See  
4. Install or locate this equipment ONLY in accordance  
with the installation instructions in this manual.  
10. DO NOT cover or block filter or other openings  
on equipment.  
5. Some products such as whole eggs and sealed  
containers – for example, closed glass jars – may  
explode and SHOULD NOT be HEATED in this oven.  
11. DO NOT store this equipment outdoors. DO NOT  
use this product near water – for example, near a  
kitchen sink, in a wet basement, or near a  
swimming pool, and the like.  
6. Use this equipment ONLY for its intended use as  
described in this manual. Do not use corrosive  
chemicals or vapors in this equipment. This type of  
12. DO NOT immerse cord or plug in water.  
oven is specifically designed to heat or cook. It is not 13. Keep cord AWAY from HEATED surfaces.  
designed for industrial or laboratory use.  
14. DO NOT let cord hang over edge of table or counter.  
7. As with any equipment, CLOSE SUPERVISION is  
necessary when used by CHILDREN.  
15. See door cleaning instructions in “Care and  
Cleaning” section of manual on page 15.  
16. For commercial use only.  
To reduce the risk of fire in the oven cavity:  
a. DO NOT overcook food. Carefully attend equipment if  
paper, plastic, or other combustible materials are  
placed inside the oven to facilitate cooking.  
c. KEEP oven DOOR CLOSED, turn oven off, and  
disconnect the power cord, or shut off power at the  
fuse or circuit breaker panel, if materials inside the  
oven should ignite. Fire may spread if door is opened.  
b. Remove wire twist-ties from paper or plastic bags  
before placing bag in oven.  
d. DO NOT use the cavity for storage. DO NOT leave  
paper products, cooking utensils, or food in the  
cavity when not in use.  
To avoid personal injury or property damage, observe the following:  
1. Briskly stir or pour liquids before heating with  
microwave energy to prevent spontaneous boiling or  
eruption. Do not overheat. If air is not mixed into a  
liquid, liquid can erupt in oven or after removal from  
7. Do not use regular cooking thermometers in oven.  
Most cooking thermometers contain mercury and  
may cause an electrical arc, malfunction, or  
damage to oven.  
8. Do not heat baby bottles in oven.  
9. Do not use metal utensils in oven.  
2. Do not deep fat fry in oven. Fat could overheat and  
be hazardous to handle.  
3. Do not cook or reheat eggs in shell or with an  
unbroken yolk using microwave energy. Pressure  
may build up and erupt. Pierce yolk with fork or  
knife before cooking.  
10. Never use paper, plastic, or other combustible  
materials that are not intended for cooking.  
11. When cooking with paper, plastic, or other  
combustible materials, follow manufacturer's  
recommendations on product use.  
4. Pierce skin of potatoes, tomatoes, and similar  
foods before cooking with microwave energy. When  
skin is pierced, steam escapes evenly.  
12. Do not use paper towels which contain nylon or  
other synthetic fibers. Heated synthetics could  
melt and cause paper to ignite.  
5. Do not operate equipment without load or food in  
oven cavity.  
13. Do not heat sealed containers or plastic bags  
in oven. Food or liquid could expand quickly and  
cause container or bag to break. Pierce or open  
container or bag before heating.  
6. Use only popcorn in packages designed and  
labeled for microwave use. Popping time varies  
depending on oven wattage. Do not continue to heat  
after popping has stopped. Popcorn will scorch or  
burn. Do not leave oven unattended.  
14. To avoid pacemaker malfunction, consult physician  
or pacemaker manufacture about effects of  
microwave energy on pacemaker.  
a. DO NOT attempt to operate this oven with door  
open since open-door operation can result in  
harmful exposure to microwave energy. It is  
important not to defeat or tamper with safety  
c. DO NOT operate oven if it is damaged. It is  
particularly important that oven door close properly  
and that there is no damage to: (1) door (bent), (2)  
hinges and latches (broken or loosened), (3) door  
seals and sealing surfaces.  
b. DO NOT place any object between oven front face  
and door or allow soil or cleaner residue to  
accumulate on sealing surfaces.  
d. Oven should NOT be adjusted or repaired by anyone  
except properly qualified service personnel.  
Ce symbole signale un message de SECURITE  
Lors de l’utilisation d’appareils électriques, prendre les précautions élémentaires suivantes pour réduire les risques  
de brûlures, d’électrocution, d’incendie ou de blessures.  
1. LIRE la totalité des instructions avant d’utiliser  
7. Comme pour tout autre appareil électrique,  
l’utilisation de cet appareil par les ENFANTS  
le four.  
MICRO-ONDES, page 6.  
8. NE PAS utiliser le four si la prise ou le cordon  
électrique est abîmé, si le four ne fonctionne pas  
correctement ou si l’appareil est tombé ou a été  
brancher uniquement sur une prise correctement  
reliée à la terre. Voir les INSTRUCTIONS DE MISE 9. Cet appareil, cordon électrique compris, doit être  
A LA TERRE, page 7.  
réparé UNIQUEMENT par un technicien qualifié.  
Des outils spéciaux sont nécessaires à cette fin.  
Contacter le prestataire de service après-vente  
agréé le plus proche pour le faire examiner, réparer  
ou régler.  
4. Mettre en service ou placer ce four UNIQUEMENT  
tel qu’indiqué dans les instructions de mise en  
service fournies dans ce manuel.  
5. Certains aliments ou articles comme les oeufs et  
les récipients fermés hermétiquement tels que les  
bocaux, par exemple, peuvent exploser et NE  
10. NE PAS couvrir ni boucher le filtre ni aucun orifice  
du four.  
11. NE PAS placer cet appareil à l’extérieur. NE  
PAS l’utiliser près d’un endroit où il y a de l’eau,  
comme dans un sous-sol humide, près d’un évier  
ou d’une piscine ou en tout autre endroit similaire.  
6. Utiliser ce four UNIQUEMENT pour les usages  
pour lesquels il est prévu, décrits dans ce manuel.  
Ne pas utiliser de vapeurs ni de produits chimiques  
corrosifs dans cet appareil. Ce type de four est  
spécifiquement conçu pour faire chauffer ou cuire  
les aliments. Il n’est pas prévu pour un usage  
industriel ou en laboratoire.  
12. NE PAS plonger le cordon électrique ou la prise  
dans l’eau.  
13. Garder le cordon électrique A DISTANCE SURE de  
surfaces CHAUFFEES.  
Pour réduire les risques d’incendie à l’intérieur du four :  
a. NE PAS trop cuire les aliments. Surveiller  
attentivement la cuisson si du papier, du plastique  
ou tout autre matériau combustible est utilisé pour  
faciliter la cuisson.  
c. Si le feu prend dans le four, LAISSER LA PORTE  
du four FERMEE, éteindre le four et le débrancher  
ou couper le courant au niveau du fusible ou du  
disjoncteur. Si la porte du four est ouverte,  
l’incendie peut se propager.  
b. Enlever toute attache métallique servant à fermer  
les sacs en plastique ou en papier avant de placer  
le sac dans le four.  
d. NE PAS utiliser l’intérieur du four comme espace  
de rangement. NE PAS laisser d’articles en papier,  
de récipients, d’ustensiles de cuisson nid’aliments  
dans le four pendant qu’il n’est pas utilisé.  
Pour éviter tous dégâts matériels ou blessures, observer les consignes suivantes :  
7. Ne pas utiliser de thermomètre de cuisson pour four  
traditionnel dans le four. La plupart des  
thermomètres de cuisson contiennent du mercure  
qui peut causer des arcs électriques ou le mauvais  
fonctionnement du four, ou encore endommager  
1. Pour éviter toute ébullition ou éruption spontanée,  
remuer vigoureusement ou verser les liquides  
avant de les chauffer au four à micro-ondes. Ne  
pas trop chauffer. Si de l’air n’a pas été incorporé  
dans le liquide, celui-ci peut déborder dans le  
four ou après en avoir été retiré.  
8. Ne pas faire chauffer de biberon au four.  
2. Ne pas faire de friture dans le four. La graisse  
pourrait surchauffer et devenir dangereuse à  
9. Ne pas utiliser d’ustensiles métalliques dans le four.  
10. Ne jamais utiliser de papier, de plastique ni autre  
matériau combustible non prévu pour la cuisson.  
3. Les oeufs ne doivent pas être chauffés ou  
réchauffés au four à micro-ondes dans leur  
coquille ou avec leur jaune intact ; cela pourrait  
provoquer une accumulation de pression et  
l’éclatement de l’oeuf. Percer le jaune avec  
une fourchette ou un couteau avant la cuisson.  
11. Si la cuisson utilise du papier, du plastique ou autre  
matériau combustible, suivre les recommandations  
du fabricant concernant son utilisation.  
12. Ne pas utiliser de serviettes en papier contenant du  
nylon ou autres fibres synthétiques. Ces fibres  
pourraient fondre et faire enflammer le papier.  
4. Percer la peau des pommes de terre, tomates et  
aliments similaires avant de les cuire au four à  
micro-ondes. Lorsque la peau est percée, la  
vapeur peut s’échapper uniformément.  
13. Ne pas faire chauffer de récipients ni de sacs en  
plastique hermétiquement fermés dans le four. La  
nourriture ou le liquide pourrait gonfler rapidement et  
faire éclater le récipient ou le sachet. Percer ou  
ouvrir celui-ci avant de le faire  
5. Ne pas faire fonctionner l’appareil sans nourriture  
à l’intérieur.  
6. Pour faire du pop-corn, utiliser uniquement du  
maïs en paquet spécial micro-ondes (indiqué sur  
l’étiquette). Le temps nécessaire pour faire  
éclater le maïs varie en fonction de la puissance  
du four. Ne pas continuer à faire chauffer le maïs  
une fois qu’il a fini d’éclater, car il peut brûler ou  
s’enflammer. Ne pas laisser le four sans  
14. Pour éviter toute défaillance de stimulateur  
cardiaque, prière de se renseigner auprès du  
médecin ou du fabricant du stimulateur au  
sujet des effets de l’énergie micro-ondes sur  
ce dispositif.  
a. NE PAS essayer de faire fonctionner le four avec la  
porte ouverte car cela peut entraîner une  
c. NE PAS utiliser le four s’il est endommagé. Il est  
particulièrement important que sa porte ferme  
correctement et que les éléments suivants ne  
soient pas endommagés : (1) porte (faussée), (2)  
charnières et dispositifs de verrouillage (cassés ou  
présentant du jeu), (3) joints de la porte et surfaces  
formant joint.  
exposition dangereuse aux micro-ondes. Il est  
important de ne pas modifier les verrouillages de  
sécurité ni d’entraver leur fonctionnement.  
b. NE PAS placer d’objet entre le cadre avant du four  
et la porte ni laisser de saletés ou de résidus de  
produit nettoyant s’accumuler sur les surfaces  
formant joint.  
d. Ce four ne doit PAS être réglé ni réparé par une  
personne autre qu’un technicien de service après-  
vente dûment qualifié.  
Mise à la terre  
Grounding Instructions  
To avoid risk of electrical shock or death, this  
equipment must be grounded.  
Pour éviter tout risque d’électrocution, voire de décès,  
cet appareil doit être relié à la terre.  
To avoid risk of electrical shock or death, do not alter  
the plug.  
Pour éviter tout risque d’électrocution, voire de décès,  
ne pas modifier la fiche.  
This equipment MUST be grounded. In the event of an  
electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the risk of  
electric shock by providing an escape wire for the  
electric current. This oven is equipped with a cord having  
a grounding wire with a grounding plug. The plug must  
be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed and  
Cet appareil DOIT être relié à la terre. En cas de court-  
circuit, la mise à la terre réduit les risques d’électrocution  
en permettant au courant électrique de passer par un fil.  
Ce four est muni d’un cordon équipé d’un fil de mise à la  
terre avec une fiche de mise à la terre. La fiche doit être  
branchée dans une prise correctement installée et mise  
à la terre.  
Consult a qualified electrician or servicer if grounding  
instructions are not completely understood, or if doubt  
exists as to whether the equipment is properly  
Consulter un électricien ou un prestataire de service  
qualifié si les instructions de mise à la terre ne sont pas  
bien comprises ou si un doute subsiste quant à la mise à  
la terre correcte de l’équipement.  
Do not use an extension cord. If the product power cord  
is too short, have a qualified electrician install a three-  
slot receptacle. This oven should be plugged into a  
separate 60 hertz circuit with the electrical rating as  
shown in the appropriate drawing. This model requires a  
208-230 supply voltage. When a microwave oven is on a  
circuit with other equipment, an increase in cooking  
times may be required and fuses can be blown.  
Ne pas utiliser de rallonge. Si le cordon d’alimentation de  
l’appareil est trop court, demander à un électricien  
d’installer une prise de courant à trois trous. Ce four doit  
être branché sur un circuit indépendant de 60 Hz dont la  
puissance nominale est indiquée sur l’illustration  
correspondante. Ce modèle nécessite une tension  
d’alimentation de 120 V. Lorsqu’un four à micro-ondes  
est branché sur un circuit avec d’autres appareils, les  
temps de cuisson pourront être prolongés et des fusibles  
pourraient sauter.  
NEMA 6-20R/6-20P  
NEMA 6-30R/6-30P  
RC17, RC20, RC22  
NEMA 6-20R/6-20P  
NEMA 6-30R/6-30P  
Grounded Receptacle and Plug  
RC17, RC20, RC22  
Fiche de mise à la terre  
Cooking Guidelines  
The Amana Microwave Oven can make your job easier.  
You’ll cook ahead and pre-portion more. You will also  
spend less time preparing special-order dishes.  
Unpacking Equipment  
• Inspect equipment for damage such as dents in door or  
dents inside oven cavity.  
• Report any dents or breakage to source of purchase  
immediately. Do not attempt to use oven if damaged.  
• Remove all materials from oven interior.  
• If oven has been stored in extremely cold area, wait a  
few hours before connecting power.  
To be sure of consistently good results, you’ll want to  
remember a few simple guidelines.  
How Microwave Ovens Heat Food  
All food and liquid molecules have positive and negative  
particles which are in constant - but slow - motion.  
(Positive and negatives attract and repel each other like  
magnets.) In microwave cooking this molecular action is  
then accelerated. The instant microwaves bombard food  
they agitate the molecules. Agitation causes friction as  
molecules rub and bump into each other at a frenzied  
rate. This friction results in heat that cooks food and boils  
Radio Interference  
Microwave operation may cause interference to radio,  
television, or similar equipment. Reduce or eliminate  
interference by doing the following:  
• Clean door and sealing surfaces of oven according to  
instructions in “Care and Cleaning” section.  
• Place radio, television, etc. as far as possible  
from oven.  
• Use a properly installed antenna on radio, television,  
etc. to obtain stronger signal reception.  
Once the microwaves stop, this friction action continues  
by itself - eventually tapering off and returning to normal  
molecular action.  
Equipment Placement  
• Do not install equipment next to or above source of  
heat, such as pizza oven or deep fat fryer. This could  
cause microwave oven to operate improperly and could  
shorten life of electrical parts.  
• Do not block or obstruct oven filter. Allow access for  
Microwaves penetrate food to a depth of ¾ to 1½ inches.  
As cooking begins, heat is spread by conduction to the  
interior portion of the food...just as in conventional cooking  
methods. Your microwave oven features variable power  
settings that allow you to choose the speed at which food  
• Install oven on level countertop surface.  
Food Variables  
Microwave cooking can be directly affected by different  
food variables.  
The shape of foods can greatly affect the amount of  
cooking time. Foods that are flat and thin heat faster than  
foods which are chunky. For example, a casserole will  
cook faster in a flat dish, rather than if heaped in a small  
dish. Foods cut into small pieces will cook faster than  
large-shaped foods. Pieces should be of a uniform size  
and shape for more uniform cooking, or the smaller pieces  
will cook faster. The greatest amount of heating takes  
place within ¾ of an inch of the food’s surface. The interior  
of large food items, or dense foods, is heated by the heat  
conducted from the outer food layer. The most uniform  
heating occurs in flat, doughnut-shaped foods. For best  
results, cook foods together which have similar sizes and  
A—Allow at least 1½ inches/3.81 centimeters of clearance  
around top and sides of equipment. Proper air flow around  
equipment cools electrical components. With restricted air flow,  
oven may not operate properly and life of electrical parts is  
B—Allow at least 5/8 inche/1.58 centimeters between air  
discharge on back of equipment and back wall. Cord wrap  
provides proper spacing.  
Oven Clearances  
The quantity or volume of a food can affect the amount of  
cooking time. As the volume of the food is increased, the  
time required to cook or heat the item increases almost  
proportionately. If twice the amount of food is placed in the  
oven, it will take almost twice as long to cook. To  
determine the time for larger quantities, multiply the  
individual serving time by the increased amount - then  
reduce the total heating time by about 20%.  
Manipulation of Foods  
Sometimes recipes suggest manipulating or moving food  
during cooking. There are several forms of manipulation:  
Stirring is required less often in microwave cooking than  
in conventional cooking. In conventional cooking, you use  
a spoon to move food up from the bottom of a pan to  
evenly distribute the heat. In microwave cooking, you still  
stir to redistribute the heat within some foods, but you  
need to stir from the outside of a dish toward the inside or  
center. For the recipes in this cookbook, stir only as  
needed. If a recipe states to stir once or twice during  
cooking, stir at approximately even intervals. For  
example, in a 12-minute cooking period, if a recipe states  
to stir twice, stir after 4 minutes of cooking and again,  
after 8 minutes of cooking. However, it is not necessary to  
be precise. Stir only when necessary. When using lower  
power settings, less stirring is required. Some examples  
of foods which may require stirring are puddings, some  
casseroles, some sauces, some soups, and some egg  
dishes. Some foods can’t be stirred. These foods are  
rearranged or turned.  
The density of foods can greatly affect the amount of  
cooking time. Porous foods, such as breads, cakes or  
pastries, will heat much more quickly than dense meats  
of the same size. Porous foods absorb microwaves  
quickly throughout. Meats absorb microwaves mostly at  
the exterior surface, and the interior is heated by  
conduction, increasing the cooking time. Meats can be  
cooked in a sauce, if desired. Due to the moisture  
content, a sauce will heat rapidly. The heat will transfer to  
the meat, so the meat will heat faster due to heat by  
conduction as well as by microwaves.  
The starting temperature of foods affects the amount of  
cooking time. Each temperature degree that the food item  
is to raise must be supplied with a definite amount of  
energy. Lower initial starting temperatures require more  
energy and more time to cook. Therefore, refrigerator  
temperature foods require a longer cooking time than do  
room temperature foods. Foods already slightly warm will  
heat very quickly in the Oven.  
Some foods can not be stirred and should be  
repositioned or rearranged during cooking. Some  
examples include baked potatoes, cupcakes (in custard  
cups), chicken pieces, and others. Rearranging allows for  
more even cooking of foods. Foods which are cooked,  
covered, or which are cooked using lower Cookmatic  
Levels, usually require little rearranging.  
The moisture content of foods affects the amount of  
cooking time. The higher the moisture content is in a food  
the longer the amount of cooking time.  
There are actually two types of turning. Turning is done  
when foods cannot be stirred. Foods which are cooked,  
covered, or which are cooked at lower Cookmatic Levels  
usually require little turning.  
The fat and sugar content of foods affects the amount of  
cooking time. Foods containing high fat and sugar levels  
heat very quickly and may reach much higher  
temperatures than foods having low fat and sugar levels.  
Foods having lower fat and sugar levels require longer  
cooking times.  
Turning foods over: Turning foods over is done to  
distribute heat. Meat and poultry are two types of foods  
which are sometimes “turned over.” Examples include  
roasts, turkeys and whole chickens. Small meat items  
such as poultry pieces may need to be turned over when  
in casseroles, or when in a browning skillet.  
The arrangement of food within a microwave oven cavity  
affects the way in which the food cooks. A “round”  
arrangement is best. Use round utensils whenever  
possible. Also, arrange foods such as baked potatoes in  
a circle, rather than in rows, for cooking. When only one  
food item is being cooked, place it in the center of the  
Oven glass shelf for cooking.  
Rotating or turning dishes: There are few foods which  
cannot be stirred, rearranged or turned over. Therefore, the  
actual cooking dish is turned or rotated. For the recipes in  
this cookbook, turn a dish one-half-turn or 180° unless  
otherwise stated. A half-turn means to grasp the dish and  
turn the portion of the dish that faces the oven door  
around, until it faces the back of the oven. Examples of  
foods which are sometimes turned or rotated in a cooking  
dish include cakes, quiches, or soufflés. When cooking  
foods at lower power levels or Settings, less turning of the  
cooking dishes is required.  
Microwave Utensils  
Cooking Hints  
Never use cooking containers or covers with any metal  
content. This includes all metal and enameled metal-  
core ware, foil and metal-trimmed containers. Suitable  
heating containers include those made of paper  
products, glass, china, cloth, and wicker baskets.  
Cover foods for faster, more even heating. Glass lids,  
plastic wrap, plate covers or other paper products may be  
used. Do not seal. Instead, allow for steam-venting at all  
Pierce pouches, plastic wrap covers and all foods  
with a thin skin or membrane, such as potatoes, squash,  
tomatoes, eggs, etc. This prevents an eruption in the oven  
and allows for expansion and/or the escape of steam.  
Natural fiber cloth  
Non-recycled paper  
Not Recommended  
Aluminum foil  
Grocery bags  
Recycled paper  
Lead crystal  
Foods should be carefully plated. For best results,  
arrange food such as vegetables or casserole-type items  
evenly around the edge of the plate with slightly less  
depth in the center. The edges of food items should not  
overlap or overhang the rim of the container. Cover meats  
with gravy or au jus and moisten all dry foods other than  
bread or pastry items.  
Metallic trimmed china  
Utensil Check Test  
Use the following test to check utensils for microwave  
1. Place glass measuring cup of water next to  
empty dish to be tested in microwave oven.  
2. Heat on full power for one minute.  
3. Check temperature of dish and water.  
• If dish remains cool and water is hot, dish is  
microwave safe.  
Do not stack food or plated dishes in your oven.  
Instead, when heating more than one serving or platters,  
all plates should be placed at the same level in the oven,  
with space between all containers.  
• If dish is slightly warm, use for short term cooking.  
• If dish is hot and water is cool, do not use. Dish  
remains cool if not absorbing microwaves and  
microwaves are being absorbed by water. Dish  
becomes hot if absorbing microwaves.  
Oven Features  
Oven Door Handle. Lift and pull to open  
Upper Control Panel. Used to program  
Stainless Steel Exterior.  
Oven Control Display.  
Side Control Panel. Press numbered pads  
to begin preprogrammed heating cycles.  
Air Intake Filter. Clean Frequently.  
Splatter Shield. Remove to clean.  
Oven Door Window. (Some Models)  
Control Panels  
Enable Pad  
MENU 1, or MENU 2  
Use for independent cooking programs. For example, MENU 1 could  
be breakfast and MENU 2 dinner items.  
Numbers (1-0)  
Starts preprogrammed heating cycle. Numbers are also used to enter  
cooking times when programming. Press directly on digit to activate  
number pads.  
Use when heating more than one item with preprogrammed pads.  
Oven control automatically calculates additional time.  
Use to make a change to preset number pads.  
Stops microwave power halfway through cooking stage as reminder  
to manipulate food.  
Selects power level. If no power level is selected, oven operates at  
100 percent power.  
Operates oven with no microwave energy for programmed time.  
Use to delete preprogrammed number pads, current heating stages,  
and power levels.  
Use in optional programming to change options. Press to move  
through stages 1-4 of programming.  
Initiates oven operation, and saves programming changes to  
permanent memory.  
Exits programming mode and stops cooking during cooking cycle.  
Use to program times not in oven memory. Time entry overrides  
preset times.  
Hidden Enable Pad  
Use to program user options. Allows user to customize oven control  
88 88 COOK  
"EOC" (End of Cycle)  
Lights at end of cooking cycle. Remains lit until door is opened, or  
STOP/RESET pad is pressed.  
"PAUS" (Pause)  
Lights during cooking pause.  
Displays at programming entry point (as soon as programming mode is  
entered). Lights when viewing stage with an enabled pause.  
Lights when microwave power is supplied to oven.  
Lights when viewing stage with reduced power or hold. Power level digit or H  
for hold display.  
"MENU 1-4"  
Lights active menu.  
Lights when number is pressed to select item.  
Flashes when either user time limit or maximum time limit is exceeded.  
"LMT" (Limit)  
"QTY" (Quantity)  
Flashes until desired quantity is entered or short period of time elapses.  
Continuously lights during cooking cycle when quantity greater than one is  
"STG" (Stage)  
Lights in programming mode when multiple cooking stages exist for selected  
Before Using  
Canceling Mistakes  
Connecting Power  
• If oven is not operating, press STOP/RESET pad to  
clear display.  
When unit is plugged in or powered after the loss of  
electricity, it will take several seconds before dashes and  
menu indicator display. Once displayed, unit is  
• If oven is operating, press STOP/RESET pad once to  
stop oven, then again to clear display.  
• If oven door is open and time shows in display, close  
oven door and press STOP/RESET pad to clear  
Interrupting Operation  
• Open oven door to interrupt operation. Oven fan  
continues to operate. Close door and press  
START pad to resume oven operation.  
• Press STOP/RESET pad to interrupt operation.  
Display continues to show countdown time. Press  
START pad to resume oven operation and countdown  
timing. If preset pad is pushed immediately after door  
is opened and closed, a slight delay occurs before  
oven starts and timing countdown begins.  
Preprogrammed Pads  
Manual Time Entry  
Oven contains two menus with 10 preset number pads  
each. Heating times and power levels can be adjusted to  
fit menu requirements.  
Manual Time Entry feature allows the operator to enter  
time and power levels, and heat without changing the  
preprogrammed pads.  
1. Open oven door and place food in oven. Display  
shows “door”. Fan and light operate.  
2. Close oven door. Display shows “MENU” and “ITEM”  
Number pads come preprogrammed from factory to  
operate at full power for following times. MENUS 1 and 2  
pads are programmed identically at factory.  
• If oven display does not show “ITEM”, pads do not  
except entries. Open and close oven door or press  
STOP/RESET pad to activate pads.  
Instructions are written for factory programmed ovens.  
Ovens that are reprogrammed may respond differently  
than described below.  
3. Press TIME ENTRY pad.  
• Display shows “0000”.  
1. Open oven door and place food in oven. Display  
shows “door”.  
4. Press number pads to enter desired cooking time.  
5. Press POWER LEVEL pad if power level other than  
100 percent is required.  
• Fan and light operate.  
2. Close oven door. Display shows “MENU” and “ITEM”  
• Display shows “COOK LEVEL” and current power  
level if other than 100 percent power.  
6. Press number pad to enter desired power level. For  
example, pressing 2 pad is 20 percent power.  
7. Press START pad and oven operates.  
• Display shows “POWER” when microwave energy  
is present. If power level other than 100 percent  
power was programmed, display shows “COOK  
LEVEL” and power level. Display counts down  
cooking time.  
• If oven display does not show “ITEM”, pads do not  
except entries. Open and close oven door or press  
STOP/RESET pad to activate pads.  
3. Press desired menu pad if different than display.  
4. Press QUANTITY pad to increase quantity up to 4  
• Cooking times are calculated automatically.  
5. Press desired number pad and oven operates.  
• Display shows item selected and heating time  
counts down.  
8. Oven stops and signals when timing sequence is  
• Display shows “POWER” when microwave energy  
is present.  
• Display shows “EOC”.  
9. Open oven door and remove food.  
6. Oven stops and signal sounds when timing sequence  
is finished.  
• Display shows "EOC".  
7. Open oven door.  
Power Level  
10 sec.  
20 sec.  
30 sec.  
45 sec.  
1 min.  
1 min. 30 sec.  
2 min.  
3 min.  
4 min.  
5 min.  
Changing Preset Number Pads  
Cook Levels and Hold  
Oven can program up to 20 separate menu items (pads).  
Each pad may be programmed for up to 4 independent  
cooking stages. The 10 programmed items may be  
Set oven to cook using between 10 and 100 percent  
cooking power. If food requires time between cooking  
cycles without microwave energy, use HOLD pad.  
distributed or organized into groups by assigning them to When HOLD pad is used, oven operates for cooking  
any of the 2 available menus. Follow instructions below  
to program pads.  
stage without producing microwave energy.  
1. Open oven door. Display shows “door”.  
• If door is closed or STOP/RESET pad is pressed  
before finishing programming sequence, oven exits  
programming mode.  
2. Press pad 1 for five seconds. After five seconds,  
signal sounds.  
• Display shows “P” and active menu.  
3. Press ADD pad.  
4. Press desired menu pad. Display shows active  
Programming Pause  
Pause is used to stop microwave power halfway through  
cooking cycle as a reminder to manipulate food. To  
program pause:  
• Press PAUSE pad after entering cooking time.  
• Oven stops, displays “PAUS” and signals three times  
halfway through cooking cycle. “PAUS” remains in  
display until door is opened or STOP/RESET pad is  
To resume microwave power, close oven door and press  
START pad. Pause can be programmed into menu  
items, and can also be programmed when using time  
• If oven fan is not operating during pause, open oven  
door and press START pad to resume operation.  
5. Press desired number pad.  
• Display shows selected number pad, “ITEM”,  
heating time, “COOK LEVEL” and power level (if  
other than 100 percent power) for stage one.  
• If multiple stages exist, display shows “STG” and  
number of programmed stages.  
6. Press number pads to enter desired cooking time.  
7. Press POWER LEVEL pad if power level requires  
Deleting Heating Stages  
To remove stages from programming:  
1. Open oven door. Display shows “door”.  
• If door is closed or STOP/RESET pad is pressed  
before finishing programming sequence, oven exits  
programming mode.  
• Display shows “COOK LEVEL” and current power  
level (if other than 100 percent power).  
8. Press number pad to enter desired power level.  
Display shows new power level (if other than 100  
percent power). For example, pad 2 is 20 percent  
2. Press pad 1 for five seconds.  
• After five seconds, signal sounds. Display shows  
“P” and active menu.  
3. Press desired number pad to be deleted.  
4. Press DELETE pad twice.  
• All cooking stages and power levels for this item  
are set to zero. Display shows “P”.  
5. Press STOP/RESET pad or close oven door to exit  
programming mode.  
8. Press START pad to enter new heating time and  
power level in oven memory.  
• Display shows “P”.  
9. Press STOP/RESET pad or close oven door to exit  
programming mode.  
Programming Multiple Heating Stages  
Follow instructions below to program oven to perform 4  
Modifying User Time Limits  
consecutive heating cycles without interruption.  
1. Complete steps 1-7 of "Changing Preset Number  
2. Press STATUS pad to move through stages from  
lowest to highest (1 to 4).  
• Display shows "PX" for one second followed by  
time and power level for selected stage. "P" repre-  
sents program, "X" represents stage 1,2,3 or 4.  
3. Press number pads to enter desired cooking time  
and power level.  
A user defined time limit may be put on each set of  
programs associated with each available menu pad. For  
example, if the user time limit for MENU 1 is 30 minutes,  
the total cook time of all available stages for a single  
item/quantity program may not exceed 30 minutes.  
1. Complete steps 1-3 of "User Options".  
2. Press desired menu pad to change. Current user  
time limit displays. Display shows active menu.  
3. Press numbers to enter desired heating time limit.  
Display shows new heating time limit.  
4. Press corresponding menu pad again to save time  
limit. For example, if changing heating time limit for  
MENU 1, press MENU 1 pad.  
5. Press STOP/RESET pad or close oven door to exit  
programming mode.  
4. Press START pad to enter new heating time and  
power level in oven memory.  
5. Press STOP/RESET pad or close oven door to exit  
programming mode.  
Care and Cleaning  
User Options  
Cleaning Interior, Exterior, and Door  
Follow the instructions below to customized the  
microwave oven’s operation. End-of-cycle signal,  
maximum heating time and other options can be changed  
to meeting your cooking needs.  
1. Open oven door. Display shows “door”.  
• If door is closed or STOP/RESET pad is pressed  
before finishing programming sequence, oven exits  
programming mode.  
To avoid electrical shock which can cause severe  
personal injury or death, unplug power cord or open  
circuit breaker to oven before cleaning.  
Clean microwave oven with mild detergent in warm water  
using soft sponge or cloth. Wring sponge or cloth to  
remove excess water before wiping equipment. If desired,  
boil a cup of water in microwave oven to loosen soil  
before cleaning.  
• Do not use abrasive cleansers or cleaners containing  
ammonia. These could damage finish.  
• Never pour water into microwave oven bottom.  
• Do not use water pressure type cleaning systems.  
2. Press and hold pad 1 for approximately 5 seconds.  
• After 5 seconds, signal sounds. Display shows “P”.  
3. Press hidden enable pad.  
• Locate hidden enable pad to the immediate left and  
slightly down from the MENU 1 pad. Display shows  
"OP:1X". "OP" represents optional program  
mode. First number represents option number and  
second number represents functions currently  
selected for option.  
4. Press START pad to advance to other options.  
• See chart for function options.  
Cleaning Air Intake Filter  
5. Press STATUS pad to change option.  
• Press START to save changes.  
6. Repeat steps 4-5 to change additional options.  
7. Press hidden enable pad to return to programming  
To avoid overheating and oven damage, clean air filter  
• Press STOP/RESET pad or close oven door to exit  
programming mode.  
Clean air intake filter weekly for proper air flow. Wash  
filter in hot water and mild detergent. Do not use oven  
without filter in place. Filter is located just below oven  
To remove, turn thumbscrews counterclockwise.  
To reinstall, position filter over air intake and turn  
thumbscrews clockwise.  
signal tone  
5 continuous  
5 tones, 5 cycles OP:13  
Tone when pad  
is pressed  
Control panel  
resets when  
door is opened  
RemovingAir Intake Filter  
User time limit  
Cleaning Discharge Air Vents  
Cleaning Splatter Shield  
Check for a buildup of cooking vapors along discharge  
louvers in back of oven monthly. Clean air vent with damp  
cloth to ensure proper airflow. Dry thoroughly.  
To avoid oven cavity damage, do not operate oven  
without splatter shield in place. Arcing will damage  
oven cavity and antenna when operated without shield  
in place.  
Splatter shield keeps top of microwave oven cavity and  
antenna from becoming soiled. Clean soil from shield  
with damp cloth or clean with mild detergent and water.  
Remove splatter shield for easy cleaning.  
1. Unplug oven before removing splatter shield to stop  
antenna from rotating.  
Discharge air vent  
2. Place fingers on front of shield, push forward, and  
Cleaning DischargeAirVents  
• When removing and replacing splatter shield, be  
careful not to bend antenna.  
Changing Oven Light Bulb  
To avoid electrical shock hazard unplug power cord or  
open circuit breaker to microwave oven before replacing  
light bulb. After replacing light bulb, reconnect power.  
To avoid burns and cuts, wear gloves to protect hands  
should bulb break. If hot, allow bulb to cool.  
Tools and Bulb  
• Protective gloves  
• Phillips screwdriver  
• Light bulb rated 250 volt, 40 watt  
1. Unplug oven.  
2. Remove screw from back of oven and remove access  
Removing Splatter Shield  
• See illustration below.  
3. Wash shield in hot, soapy water. Rinse and  
dry thoroughly.  
3. Remove bulb by turning counterclockwise, being  
careful not to burn fingers or break bulb.  
• Replace with bulb rated 250 volt, 40 watt.  
4. Plug in oven.  
• Do not wash splatter shield in dishwasher.  
• Do not use abrasive cleaners.  
4. Reinstall splatter shield by fitting tabs into slots at  
top of oven cavity back. Lift and press front of shield  
until shield snaps into place.  
Remove Light Bulb Cover  
Before Calling for Service  
If oven does not accept entries when pad is pressed:  
• Open and close oven door. Press pad again.  
If oven does not operate:  
• Confirm oven is plugged into dedicated circuit.  
• Confirm oven is on grounded and polarized circuit.  
(Contact electrician to confirm.)  
If oven operates, but will not heat food:  
• Place one cup cool water in oven. Heat for one minute.  
If water temperature does not rise, oven is operating  
• Check fuse or circuit breaker.  
If oven displays unusual characters like CS, PCE1,  
PCE5, or PCE6:  
• Unplug oven, wait for 1 minute, plug in oven and retry. If  
problem persists, contact an authorized Amana  
To avoid electrical shock which can cause severe  
personal injury or death, do not remove outer case at  
any time. Only authorized servicer should remove outer  
If oven light does not work:  
• Confirm light bulb is screwed in tightly.  
• Confirm light bulb has not failed.  
If oven operates intermittently:  
• Check filter inlet and discharge areas  
for obstructions.  
Any questions or to locate an authorized servicer, call  
1-800-843-0304 inside U.S.A. 1-319-622-5511 outside  
U.S.A. If an automated telephone system is reached,  
select Commercial Microwave Ovens category. Warranty  
service must be performed by an authorized servicer.  
Amana also recommends contacting an authorized  
servicer if service is required after warranty expires.  
Quick Reference Instructions  
Read “Important Safety Information” before using “Quick  
Reference Instructions”. If there are unanswered  
questions, see detailed sections of this manual.  
Cook Levels and Hold  
Set oven to cook using between 10 and 100 percent  
cooking power. If food requires time between cooking  
cycles without microwave energy, use HOLD pad.  
When HOLD pad is used, oven operates for cooking  
Preprogrammed Pads  
1. Open oven door and place food in oven. Display  
shows “door”.  
stage without producing microwave energy.  
2. Close oven door. Display shows “MENU” and “ITEM”  
3. Press desired menu pad if different than display.  
4. Press QUANTITY pad to increase quantity up to 4  
5. Press desired number pad and oven operates.  
6. Oven stops and signal sounds when timing sequence  
is finished.  
Programming Pause  
Pause is used to stop microwave power halfway through  
cooking cycle as a reminder to manipulate food.  
• Press PAUSE pad after entering cooking time.  
• Oven stops, displays "PAUS" and signals three times  
halfway through cooking cycle. "PAUS" remains in  
display until door is opened or STOP/RESET pad is  
To resume microwave power, close oven door and press  
START pad. Pause can be programmed into menu  
items, and can also be programmed when using time  
Manual Time Entry  
1. Open oven door and place food in oven. Display  
shows “door”. Fan and light operate.  
2. Close oven door.  
3. Press TIME ENTRY pad.  
• If oven fan is not operating during pause, open oven  
door and press START pad to resume operation.  
4. Press number pads to enter desired cooking time.  
5. Press POWER LEVEL pad if power level other than  
100 percent is required.  
6. Press number pad to enter desired power level. For  
example, pressing 2 pad is 20 percent power.  
7. Press START pad and oven operates.  
8. Oven stops and signals when finished.  
Deleting Heating Stages  
1. Open oven door. Display shows “door”.  
2. Press pad 1 for five seconds.  
3. Press desired number pad to be deleted.  
4. Press DELETE pad twice.  
5. Press STOP/RESET pad or close oven door to exit  
programming mode.  
Changing Preset Number Pads  
1. Open oven door. Display shows “door”.  
2. Press pad 1 for five seconds.  
3. Press ADD pad.  
4. Press desired menu pad. Display shows active  
Modifying User Time Limits  
1. Complete steps 1-3 of "User Options".  
2. Press desired menu pad to change. Current user  
time limit displays. Display shows active menu.  
3. Press numbers to enter desired heating time limit.  
Display shows new heating time limit.  
5. Press desired number pad.  
6. Press number pads to enter desired cooking time.  
7. Press POWER LEVEL pad if power level requires  
8. Press START pad to enter new heating time and  
power level in oven memory.  
4. Press corresponding menu pad again to save time  
limit. For example, if changing heating time limit for  
MENU 1, press MENU 1 pad.  
5. Press STOP/RESET pad or close oven door to exit  
programming mode.  
9. Press STOP/RESET pad or close oven door to exit  
programming mode.  
User Options  
1. Open oven door. Display shows “door”.  
2. Press and hold pad 1 for approximately 5 seconds.  
3. Press hidden enable pad.  
4. Press START pad to advance to other options.  
5. Press STATUS pad to change option.  
6. Repeat steps 4-5 to change additional options.  
7. Press hidden enable pad to return to programming  
Programming Multiple Heating Stages  
1. Complete steps 1-7 of "Changing Preset Number  
2. Press STATUS pad to move through stages from  
lowest to highest (1 to 4).  
3. Press number pads to enter desired cooking time  
and power level.  
4. Repeat steps 2-3 for additional stages.  
5. Complete steps 8-9 of "Changing Preset Number  
2001 Amana Appliances  
Part No. 12392762  
Printed in U.S.A. 02/01  
Amana, Iowa 52204  

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